Maria Cosway

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At the beginning of XIX century, Maria Hadfield Cosway has been one of the most fascinating feminine personalities of that period; she has been a painter, a singer and a musician, as well as an educator.

She founded in Lodi the College of the Beata Vergine delle Grazie whose purpose was to educate and form young girls who came from the nobility and upper middle class families of Lombardy.

She spent her life in Italy, London, Lyon and Paris, where she had the chance to experience personally the great historical events that characterized her time and to get to know political and cultural important personalities

Maria Cosway engravingShe married in London, Richard Cosway primarius pictor of the Prince of Wales.

His figure is mostly put beside Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States, with whom he corresponded for about fifty years.

While Maria Cosway was still alive, the Council of Conservationists had been founded, with the aim to preserve its real estate and its artistic heritage and to give continuity to the educational activity begun by the Founder.

At present, the Conservationists in office have wanted to achieve this website in order to permit a greater visibility to the Foundation activities, but above all to enable us to get to know the extraordinary figure of Maria Cosway and to appreciate her works.

Fondazione Maria Cosway   Via Paolo Gorini, 6   26900 Lodi   C.F. 84511920153
