Maria Cosway

The Conservationists Council

The main purpose of the Conservationists Council, which has been renewed in time, is to preserve its real estate and its artistic heritage, as well as to obtain incomes that derive from economic activities, which are compatible with the institutional aims. The activities are addressed towards the formation and education of young pupils, concerning the Lombardy area.

In 2007 it was formed by: Lawer Costantino Ercoli (President), Doc. Giovanni Sacchi (Secretary), Father Ermanno Livraghi, Doc. Lodigiani, Doc. Valerio Manfrini, Arch. Annalisa Scandroglio.

The Conservationists Council has its own Statute.

In 1833 (deed dated 7th of June), while the Founder was still alive, was founded the Conservationists Organ, which had been put under the patronage of the Town Council, constituted at first by:
Carlo Mancini, (1769-1863), provost, appointed College royal delegate, talented man and poetry amateur; he had been educated in liberal principles and published several writings; Monsignor G. B. Bellè, by proxy of Bishop Alessandro Maria Pagani that from 1835 became bishop of Mantova;
Father Gaetano Giudici (Viggiù 1766-1851) (Jansenist abbot from Lombardy and freemason) from Milan, land of the Omenoni. After being elected at the Cisalpina Assembly, he took up as councillor for Catholic worship and then became a real Minister of Catholic worship and Austrian government appointee for education;
Canon Monsignor Giovanni Palamede Carpani (1764-1858) from Milan, inspector of the primary schools of Lombardy;
Lawyer Giuseppe Martini from Lodi.

In 1961 the Conservationists Council was constituted by: Com. Acc. Defendente Vaccari (President), Lawyer Gaetano Mazza, Mons. Alfredo Uggè, Eng. Riccardo Vaghi, Doc. Valerio Manfrini;
In 1963 the settlement is: Com. Acc. Defendente Vaccari (President), Lawyer Gaetano Mazza, Mons. Alfredo Uggè, Doc. Valerio Manfrini, Arch. Ferruccio Rozza;
In 1976 the Council is constituted by: Doc. Valerio Manfrini (President), Lawyer Gaetano Mazza, Mons. Alfredo Uggè, Arch. Ferruccio Rozza;
In 1977 Doc. Valerio Manfrini (President), Lawyer Gaetano Mazza, Mons. Alfredo Uggè, Arch. Ferruccio Rozza, Doc. Alberto Vaccari; In 1979 Doc. Valerio Manfrini (President), Mons. Alfredo Uggè, Arch. Ferruccio Rozza, Doc. Alberto Vaccari, Lawyer Costantino Ercoli;
From 1983 the Conservationists Members are: Doc. Valerio Manfrini (President), Doc. Giovanni Sacchi (Secretary), Arch. Ferruccio Rozza, Mons. GiovanBattista Pettinari, Lawyer Costantino Ercoli;
In 2001 Doc.Valerio Manfrini (President), Doc. Giovanni Sacchi (Secretary), Arch. Ferruccio Rozza, Mons. Giuseppe Cremascoli, Lawyer Costantino Ercoli;
From 2004 the Conservationists Council is constituted by: Doc. Valerio Manfrini (President), Doc. Giovanni Sacchi (Secretary), Mons. Giuseppe Cremascoli, Lawyer Costantino Ercoli, Arch. Annalisa Scandroglio.

Fondazione Maria Cosway   Via Paolo Gorini, 6   26900 Lodi   C.F. 84511920153
